Library services

With an objective of providing better facilities to the students intended to use the library over and above instructional hours, following facilities are created:

Working hours: 

10:30 AM to 5:00 PM (Mon-Fri)
07:30 AM to 1:00 PM (Sat)

Books search: - WEB OPAC available in LAN
Link – 


FTP Server:

  •                      Reading facility
  •                      Issue/return of books
  •                      Inter – library loan (ILL DELNET)
  •                      Reference / information services
  •                      Reprography service
  •                      Digital Repository service
  •                      Scanning and printing documents
  •                      Current awareness service (CAS)
  •                      Career guidance reading facility
  •                      Old question paper service
  •                      Demand book facility
  •                      New arrivals displays
  •               Net surfing facility 
  •              Ask a librarian 
  •            Book – bank service (B.Ed.)-     
This book bank scheme is run for the scholar and economical poor students.  One book per paper regarding syllabus are issued to students for the whole Semester and taken back after the end semester examination is over. College trust provides funds for this scheme every year.
  • ·         DELNET Document delivery services  -
Interlibrary loan (abbreviated ILL, and sometimes called interloan, inter lending, document delivery, or document supply) is a service whereby a user of one library can borrow books or receive photocopies of documents that are owned by another library. The user makes a request with their local library, which, acting as an intermediary, identifies owners of the desired item, places the request, receives the item, makes it available to the user, and arranges for its return. The lending library usually sets the due date and overdue fees of the material borrowed. Although books and journal articles are the most frequently requested items, some libraries will lend audio recordings, video recordings, maps, sheet music, and microforms of all kinds. In many cases, nominal fees accompany interlibrary loan services.

The term document delivery may also be used for a related service, namely the supply of journal articles and other copies on a personalized basis, whether these come from other libraries or direct from publishers. The end user is usually responsible for any fees, such as costs for postage or photocopying. Commercial document delivery services will borrow on behalf of any customer willing to pay their rates.

DELNET is offering inter-Library loan & Document Delivery Services to its member libraries. ILL requests can be registered online for books. For the resources not available in the union catalogues and journal articles, requests can be sent to DELNET through E-mail. DELNET has also prepared ILL Guidelines for use by the member-libraries. The services are quite popular among the member-libraries

ILL Online (for members in Delhi).     Actual photocopying charges, if any, and courier/postal charges for books procured from outside Delhi will be extra.

ILL Online (for members outside Delhi)    Actual photocopying charges, and courier charges will be extra

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